Wednesday, May 29, 2013

REPOST: Maternal Health Startup Makes History As First 'Do-It-Yourself' Benefit Corporation In Michigan

A Michigan startup company founded by University of Michigan students has made legal history by becoming the first “do-it-yourself” benefit corporation in the state. This Forbes article reports more about this innovation.

Design Innovations for Infants and Mothers Everywhere Inc., or DIIME, was founded in 2010 by a group of eight students in the University of Michigan’s Global Health Design program. The high rate of maternal mortality in the developing world was the health issue that grabbed the attention of the founders of DIIME. Every year between 300,000 and 500,000 women die due to complications related to childbirth and pregnancy, while four million infants die every year before reaching four weeks of age.

Image source: Forbes
DIIME founders resolved to create a company that would develop low-cost medical devices to improve maternal and infant health in Ghana and other parts of the developing world. At the same time, the company would have to earn sufficient profit to be sustainable and be able to raise capital from socially oriented investors. DIIME would be a “social enterprise,” in other words, a business dedicated to generating both financial and social returns.

Like many social enterprises, DIIME quickly discovered that the existing legal entity forms were not a good fit with its “double bottom line” objectives. DIIME’s profit-making goals would be problematic in a nonprofit corporation, while DIIME’s social mission seemed equally out of place in a for-profit corporation, where company directors typically pursue profit maximization. To solve this problem, since 2010, legislatures in 14 U.S. states, including most recently Delaware, have adopted statutes expressly permitting the creation of a new type of legal entity: the “benefit corporation.” Benefit corporations are for-profit businesses dedicated to providing benefits to society while also protecting company directors from liability to shareholders for not maximizing profits. (A benefit corporation bill was introduced in Michigan in 2011, but the Michigan legislature has not yet taken action.)

DIIME turned to the International Transactions Clinic (ITC) at the University of Michigan Law School for advice. DIIME and law students enrolled in the ITC worked together to organize the legal formation of an entity in Michigan, create a capital structure, protect the company’s intellectual property, and move DIIME’s international business plan forward. Most recently, the company took the decisive step: DIIME included in its new articles of incorporation key “benefit corporation” provisions of the Model Benefit Corporation Act. This allowed DIIME to pursue its social mission, take into account interests other than profit maximization, and protect its directors to the extent possible from any resulting liability, all in the context of a for-profit corporation organized under the existing Michigan Business Corporation Act. DIIME’s articles of incorporation were formally accepted by the Michigan Corporation Division on April 30, 2013.

“We were delighted to be able to incorporate DIIME in our home state of Michigan without having to sacrifice our company’s double bottom line mission,” said Gillian Henker, one of the founders and current president of DIIME. “We’re thrilled to pave the way for other social enterprises wishing to incorporate here in Michigan. This is a big step forward not only for our company, but for any company that sees its role in society as being bigger than simply maximizing profits.”

DIIME is truly a social enterprise pioneer. To my knowledge, DIIME’s “do-it-yourself” benefit corporation is the first in the country. DIIME has blazed a trail for social enterprises not only here in Michigan, but also in other jurisdictions that also have not enacted a benefit corporation statute.

The ITC team consisted of third-year law students Michael Byun and Gabriel Katz, supervised by David Guenther, a partner at Conlin, McKenney & Philbrick, P.C. in Ann Arbor and an adjunct clinical assistant professor in the ITC.

“There has been a great deal of academic commentary and debate on the purpose of the corporation and whether it’s to maximize profits to shareholders,” Guenther said. “There has been much less commentary on who should answer that question—shareholders, courts or legislators.”

“We looked very carefully at the Michigan Business Corporation Act and concluded there was no reason why shareholders couldn’t include a social purpose and other benefit corporation provisions in their articles of incorporation, even without the existence of benefit corporation legislation here in Michigan. That’s exactly what DIIME wound up doing. Fortunately, the Michigan Corporation Division gave DIIME’s articles a thoughtful review and agreed with us.”

Family- and relationships-oriented, Terry Lambert served as the hospital administrator at Walnut Ridge. Read more about his undertakings on this website.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Quick facts about the new home-birth guidelines

Home births used to be the status quo, but the availability of hospitals and the development of more hygienic ways to carry out childbirth have significantly reduced the number of home births over the years. Doctors generally do not prefer to perform home births for a number of reasons largely related to sanitation. Still, they recognize the women who do opt for home birth and have released a set of guidelines published in the academy’s journal, Pediatrics.

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Some of the more obvious and expected guidelines include the following:

• All medical equipment should be tested before the delivery.
• There should be at least one person at the birth who will be solely responsible for tending to the newborn infant. This person should also be trained in infant CPR.
• There should be a working phone line kept open and available for immediate use.
• There should be a plan to transfer the mother to a hospital in case of emergencies.
• The person attending to the infant should perform all the routine tests that nurses perform on a newborn baby: monitor their temperature and heart rate, keep them warm, and administer vitamin K and heel-prick test, which will be sent to an outside laboratory for processing.

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While seemingly standard, the guidelines did include one provision which raised eyebrows among physicians in the field: It is strongly recommended that only midwives who were cleared by the American Midwifery Certification Board could assist in home births because these midwives typically attend deliveries at hospitals and birthing centers.

Interestingly, it was not the fact that home births were still allowed which caused controversy but that one type of midwife should be better than another.

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As a former hospital administrator at Newman Regional Hospital in Emporia, Kansas, Terry Lambert is a strong advocate of accessible hospital services. Follow this Facebook page for more insights from his experience in the medical field.